What IDN members say about joining IDN
“We have always been independent dentists and not contracted to any health funds or other third parties as we believe they should not be involved in the doctor-patient relationship so as not to influence standard of care. Joining IDN Has enabled us to collaborate with other successful independent dentists nationwide. Through the network we are able to share experiences and insights with other members. We recommend that all independent dental practices across Australia join forces, together we can make a difference and reap the rewards for our practice and our valued patients.”
Dr George Atsikbasis & Dr Alan Fassina

Practice Principals
Dental Care Professionals
“Since becoming a member of IDN I have been able to significantly increase my knowledge and awareness of the challenges currently facing our industry as professionals and for our patients.
I am happily now more confident in opening up these discussions with patients who may be in need of assistance in navigating the tricky and at times deceptive waters of the private health insurance industry”.
Dr Monica O’Malley

Practice Principal
Your New Dentist
“Dentistry in Australia is experiencing notable change, unfortunately this is resulting in restrictions on patient freedom of choice for providers and treatment options as health funds are becoming more controlling of their members’ oral care management.
I decided to join IDN to take control back for my practice and patients. Joining other independent dentists in this network has enabled us to benefit from group marketing activity and a united brand that will help provide patients with more value.
I am looking forward to the future and more dentists joining the IDN movement!”
Dr Sean Parsonage

Practice Principal
Spa Dental